Monday, 19 May 2014

Todays food....

Lunch today was simple but yummy!
Salad leaves from the garden dressed in this:

Sorry for the terrible photo! Its a balsamic and red pepper dressing. Was listed on approved food as 'unidentified' brand at 4 bottles for £1. Its the Co-Op 'truly irresistible' brand, and it is gorgeous! Especially for 25p per bottle.
Bought a cucumber at the weekend (49p) to go with salad leaves from the garden for the week. Plus a bag of carrots (60p) and a cabbage (49p) to make coleslaw. So made up a batch to go with the salad and served it with the quiche I made on Saturday night.
Hubby took the same to work, minus the coleslaw. Still have just over a quarter of the quiche left.
Making a Lamb Madras for dinner. The lamb I got reduced and i'm cheating with the Madras! There were 5 packs of Madras kits for £1 earlier in the year from you know where, so I'm using one of those, the sauce is a mix and it contains a naan bread mix and Pilau rice mix, which makes my life a lot easier as I'm not feeling great today :/
Naan bread is proving on our warm kitchen windowsill (yay for summer sun!) and putting in a batch of sultana scones when they go in the oven. Plus a pudding, pear and ginger.
Signing out for the day to go plant out my tomato seedlings :)

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