Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Prepping for a frugal family day out.....

Tomorrow, all being well, I shall be off with the kids to a free park on the other side of town :) It has a water play area aswel as a play park, a big walk to go round, pond with ducks, all sorts. Since the kids are so young I only get charged for myself on the bus, £5 for a zig zag ticket that can be used as much as we want all day! That's cheaper than the petrol i'd use to drop Hubby off at work, go out for the day and then pick him up again. So I'm starting to plan bus rides out and budget for it ;) This week I only have the £5 for the ticket, to everything else must be catered for, so I've been prepping our picnic packed lunch today.

Started off by baking a loaf of wholemeal bread in the breadmaker, and slicing for sandwiches. The cheese I used was pre-sliced from Lidl a couple of weekends ago, 79p for 250g.
Salad leaves from my garden! Yay! I have a giant box of lettuce, rocket, spinach and kale growing.
And some tomatoes that were 39p from Aldi a couple of weekends ago, I really need to use them up!
So cheese salad sandwiches sorted for pennies :)

I made up a batch of chocolate cupcakes yesterday while the oven was on for dinner, using a 30p approved food pack.

Got the kids to ice and decorate them.

Ive packed away 3 for our packed lunch tomorrow, the rest will probably be gone by tonight.

Dug out our juice bottles ready to fill with squash in the morning.
I also have some cheap crisps to pack and fruit.
So that's lunch/snack sorted, I will need to catch 2 buses, take extra clothes for the water area so I better go dig out a backpack and get coats ready. Ive got a box of Bolognese defrosted for dinner when we get back, just boil some pasta when we get in. Washing will be going on the line before we leave. Forcast says no rain! So hopefully, a £5 family day out with lots of fun :)


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