So I had taken a picture of this, but then my phone died! So sorry, but no pictures today :(
3 turkey breast steaks - £1.49 (Lidl half price)
1 jar mussaman sauce - 33p (approved food)
onion - 5p (Lidl)
pepper - 30p (desperately needed using up!)
new potatoes - 20p (half a bag from july!! when they were half price at Lidl)
I wasnt feeling well this evening so wanted a very quick meal to throw together. I had a jar of mussaman sauce from an approved food order in 2011. The jar had a BBE of 2010!! Opened and tested, it was fine. Been hoping to use it up for ages, so today was the day. Fried off onion, sliced turkey steaks, added peppers and sauce, done. Very quick and easy, which is what I needed!
I was going to do some plain rice to go with this. But I had half a bag of new potatoes from JULY when they were half price at Lidl at 40p. Checked them over and they were still fine. Kept in a dark cool cupboard they keep for months, same with onions. So decided to have a go at bombay potatoes.
They were quite small anyway, so just chopped them in half. Microwaved them for 10mins, basically because I didnt want to waste energy par boiling them.
Chucked them in a pan with a little oil, 2 teaspoons of garam masala, some black pepper and tumeric. Stuck the lid on and left them for 20 mins stirring regularly.
Topped the curry with some 'past its best' fresh coriander on my windowsill. And served with a 33p pack of poppadoms from my recent approved food order and mango chutney from the same place.
This was so yummy! Got all sorts of ideas for potato and chickpea currys now.
Made a pear crumble for pudding with some tinned pears. I think they were 3 cans for £1 from approved foods a couple of years ago too. Starting to use up old stocks of food lurking at the back of cupboards :)
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