Monday, 15 September 2014

Bread base for rolls (i.e - cinnamon)

Ive started making these weekly now! They're a lovely snack, can be filled with anything and are cheap and easy to make.
575g strong flour
300ml warm water
4 tblsp oil
2 tblsp yeast
3 tblsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg
Mix the water and yeast together with the sugar and set aside to froth up.
And measure your flour into a bowl with the salt.

That froth means the yeast is working!
Add the egg and oil and beat together.
Pour into the flour.

And mix into a rough dough. We used a plastic chopstick, its a trick I got from another baker. Because its so much easier to clean sticky dough off that than it is a wooden spoon.

When its roughly mixed up, tip onto a floured surface and knead well.

This dough is very soft and elastic, easy to knead.

Then leave it in a covered bowl to prove until doubled in size. In a warm kitchen this can only take about half an hour or so.
Divide the dough into half and roll into a rectangle.

Spread a thin layer of butter across.

Make some cinnamon sugar (just mix sugar and ground cinnamon together) and sprinkle across the dough.

 Roll up tightly.
Use a sharp knife to cut swirls around 1-2" wide.

Place on a greased baking tray.

The other half we spread with pesto and sprinkled some parmesan.

The ones on the right have puffed up a little bit, you want to leave them about 10-15mins to prove again.
Bake on 180 for about 20mins or so.
Leave to cool and box up ready for munchies! :)
Other variations I want to try as a filling are:
Lemon curd
Peanut butter
Tomato and cheese
Golden syrup


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