Thursday, 25 April 2013

Chocolate courgette muffins

3 eggs
400g caster sugar
250ml vegetable oil
5 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
250g grated courgette
375g plain flour
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom

I left out the cloves and cardamom as I didnt have any. This recipe makes 24 muffins and is perfect for using up extra courgettes. I ended up with a carrier bag full that i'm working my way through.
Beat together the eggs, oil and sugar. Then add the vanilla essence, cocoa powder and courgette, then add the remaining ingredients. This is a very thick mixture. cook on 180 for about 15-20 mins.

Im experimenting with sourdough spelt at the moment so will post a recipe when I figure out a decent one.

Ive started my FlyLady routines again, which is really helping me keep the house in order. And i'm developing a schooling routine/schedule too, so changes happening at the moment, but its good. The more organized I am, the more I can cope. My ribs have started hurting again though. Trying to find a balance between resting and getting stuff done.

Meanwhile, my sink is shiny and my shoes are purple.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Day 5......

I have a poorly baby today :( Daughter is throwing up left, right and centre. Poor little girl! I hadnt had chance to get my juice in the afternoon. So I was STARVING by teatime. My hubby has been my saving grace today. Came home and made my juice, then made another juice later in the evening and made sure I drank it to make up for the lost nutrients of missing one. He looks after me :)

Talking this evening and although I cant tell so much in myself, he says he has seen a massive improvement in my mood and energy. I suppose its something you need an outside opinion on. Im up earlier and being a lot more productive during the day. Kept up with housework and kiddie stuff. He says I seem a lot more positive and energetic and happier. Which is brilliant! That was the reason for doing this. I didnt even feel overwhelmed at the though of being up all night with baby girl cleaning vomit. I feel like I can cope a lot better in general. So, mission acheived! 2 more days to go!  

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Day 4.....

I'd been fine all morning! Happily bouncing around. I crashed a bit this afternoon and its the first time i've really struggled and been truely hungry. I still have 3 days of the 'plan' so will see how it goes. Ive really commited myself to finishing this and i'm determined. But I did notice my lips and fingernails went a bit blue today and i'm rather pale, aswel as spaced out, i'm not about to keep going out of stubborness if I start to feel ill. Watch this space.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Day 3.....

So something weird happened this morning, I woke up looking foward to my juice! I said to Hubby I dont think i'll ever be able to wake up to a cup of tea again. He agreed! Morning juice is definitely going to be here to stay, for the whole family. 

I got plenty done again today, no true hunger or tiredness. Infact we are actually sleeping better, now were less tired. Getting to sleep quicker and staying asleep longer. Which is amazing! I've spent a lifetime waking up ever 2 hours, I just thought it was what my body did. 

Ive finished reading through the 14 day book and looking foward to giving it a go once this plan ends. It basically revolves around a juice for breakfast (which we were wanting to do anyway), a soup/salad for lunch and then fish/chicken and veg/salad for tea. Which really appeals!

The past 2 nights i've skipped my last juice of the day (in the book scheduled aroun 8pm) because i've not been hungry. Which is shocking to say i'm just living on veggie/fruit juice. Today one of the smoothies has yogurt and banana in for the first time which im really looking foward to! 

Monday, 15 April 2013

Day 2....

Going well. I havent felt the horrid 'detox' and 'withdrawel' today. Though yesterday I did have a massive headache for a few hours. Ive not been hungry which has surprised me, Juice just doesnt seem like it will fill you up, but its so nourishing my body just seems satisfied with it. I have extra shopping coming tomorrow for the rest of the plan. My 14day turbo charge book arrived today and I'm currently reading through it, will be following that plan for a further 2 weeks once this one is finished. I'm surprised at how much I managed to get done today. Did my flylady routines, decluttered the bathroom, took the kids to playpark, cleaned bathroom and kitchen etc. So energy levels must be up though I hadnt really noticed untill I looked back over the day. Tired now though. Roll on day 3!